#deeptalk 02 Zdeněk Štipl

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#deeptalk 02 Zdeněk Štipl

Popis epizody

ODKAZY NA LITERATURU 1) Publikace našeho hosta Zdeňka Štipla: 39:35 Štipl, Zdeněk. 2020. The Christian Ashram Movement in India (https://www.routledge.com/The-Christian-Ashram-Movement-in-India/Stipl/p/book/9780367244224) 1:18:45 Štipl, Zdeněk. 2021. Život vznešeného Kršny (https://www.academia.cz/zivot-vzneseneho-krsny--stipl-zdenek--academia--2021) 1:39:05 Štipl, Zdeněk. 2005. Oči zavřít jsem nemohla (http://www.torst.cz/czech/detail.php?pk=423) 2) Publikace o Indii, které náš host doporučil posluchačům: 2:00:25 Adluri, Vishwa and Bagchee, Joydeep. 2011. Reading the Fifth Veda: Studies on the Mahabharata; Essays by Alf Hiltebeitel (https://brill.com/view/title/18099) When the Goddess Was a Woman: Mahabharata Ethnographies; Essays by Alf Hiltebeitel (https://brill.com/view/title/19588) 2:07:05 Guha, Ramachandra. 2017. India After Ghandi (https://www.panmacmillan.com/authors/ramachandra-guha/india-after-gandhi/9781447281887) 2.08.45 Dalrymple, William. 1999. The Age of Kali (https://www.amazon.com/Age-Kali-William-Dalrymple/dp/0006547753) The Last Mughal (https://www.williamdalrymple.uk.com/books/the-last-mughal) White Mughals (https://www.williamdalrymple.uk.com/books/white-mughals) 2019. The Anarchy: The Relentless Rise of the East India Company (https://www.williamdalrymple.uk.com/books/the-anarchy)

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