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Jill Volpie: This is very frightening and one's got to remind oneself to stay calm in these situations. If at all possible these days, it's important to try to avoid at least, direct contact with blood. Everyone, everywhere these days needs to be mindful of the risk of HIV and we need to take care but of course one also has to do something and try and stop the bleeding. The problem with that is that of course it also stops the circulation to the lower end of that limb, and this is very, very dangerous because it can lead very quickly, surprisingly quickly, to gangrene and (it's) quite possible then for your patient to actually have to lose a whole limb, the tissue in the limb can die quite quickly. Vocabulary: frightening - děsivý, hrozný to stay calm - zachovat klid, chladnou hlavu blood - krev to avoid direct contact with blood - vyhnout se přímému kontaktu s krví to be mindful - být si něčeho vědom, být dbalý be mindful of the risk of HIV - nesmí zapomínat na nebezpečí nákazy virem HIV bleeding - krvácení to stop the bleeding - zastavit krvácení circulation - krevní oběh a tourniquet stops the circulation - zaškrcením končetiny zastavíte krevní oběh gangrene - gangréna tissue - tkáň the tissue in the limb can die quite quickly - tkáň končetiny může velice snadno odumřít
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