Diarrhoea 02

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6 min

Diarrhoea 02

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I think there's a big temptation to eat less or not at all; if one has diarrhoea one doesn't feel like eating. But of course it's very important that nutrition is maintained in this state. The body needs to continue to be fed and rehydration solutions, even the prepacked ones in the sachets, do not provide any, or very, very little, in the way of nutrition. Milk is of course quite nutritious. Some will say that it does actually irritate the stomach. I think it depends a lot on what you have to hand, of course; and what the patient can tolerate. If you find that you give milk and that's immediately rejected or the patient is sick, then obviously go back to just your safe rehydration fluids and wait until the patient's condition is a little better. Vocabulary temptation - pokušení nutrition - výživa, živiny nutritious - výživný maintain - udržovat sachets - sáčky to irritate the stomach - dráždit žaludek to have to hand, to have available - mít po ruce tolerate - tolerovat, snášet reject - odmítnout There's a big temptation to eat less or not at all. - Člověk je v pokušení jíst málo a nebo vůbec ne. It is very important that nutrition is maintained. - Je velmi důležité, aby byl přísun živin zajištěn. Rehydration solutions, even the prepacked ones in the sachets… - Kupované, hotové rehydratační roztoky…

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